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Lending Assessment Offer – No Cost, Just a Little of Your Time

With the 30th of June looming, discuss your asset and equipment finance needs in preparation for the changes for small business (Turnover < $2m) from the Federal Budget Papers released in May 2012.

The legislation is set to take effect from July 1, 2012, affecting the 2012 – 13 income year. The key changes to the small business depreciation rules include:

  • Instant write-off  threshold. An increase in the small business instant write-off threshold from $1,000 to $6,500. Allowable items may include photocopies, laptops, fridges, and desks.
  • Other depreciating assets. Small businesses will be able to write-off all other depreciating assets in a single depreciating pool at a rate of 30 per cent.
  • Motor vehicle write-off. Small businesses will be able to claim an immediate write-off of $5,000 for motor vehicles acquired during the 2012 – 13 year.

Make sure you are getting the most appropriate lending options for any Commercial Loans, Business loans, Vehicle or Equipment finance.

Arrangements in place with Lender’s


Bankwest, Commonwealth Bank, Esanda Finance, Macquarie Bank Leasing, St George Bank or Westpac.

  • There is no charge for our service, we are renumerated only if we arrange a suitable loan for you from the Lender.
  • If your Bank is looking after your interests we will not recommend a change but hope that our integrity will see you utilize our services in the future.

So to help you possibly save money and/or obtain peace of mind in knowing your finances are structured correctly just call Paul Moran or Paul Tate and arrange a convenient time to discuss your finances further.

If you have any questions, for a free and confidential discussion, please do not hesitate to call us on

08 9301 2200, or contact us today.

We greatly value our clients and are committed to honouring the trust they place in us by creating visible results for them. Get in touch to find out how we help our clients maximise profits,minimise tax, and invest the balance for growth.

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